Literacy & 3k/4K
Kindergarten & 1st grade
Science, Art, and 2nd Homeroom
5th,6th, 7th, & 8th Grade
Math & 3rd/4th Homerrom
Physical Education
Through UnitedHealthcare, UMR and HealthSCOPE Benefits creates and publishes the Machine-Readable Files on behalf of St. Luke Benefit & Insurance Services. To link to the Machine-Readable Files, please click on
The Machine-readable Files (MRF) will open when the link is clicked (press Ctrl and click on link). These files will be updated by UMR regularly. Beginning July 1, 2022, you may locate your MRF’s by clicking the link, pressing CTRL-F to bring up the search bar, and type in your employer/entity name. The associated MRF’s will appear.